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Information posted on this website includes forward-looking statements about future business performance etc. of the company.
These forward-looking statements are the judgment and estimates made by the Zuken Group based on the information available at the time of release and include various potential risks and uncertainties. Therefore, please note that the actual business performance etc. may be affected by these risks and uncertainties and differ greatly from the forward-looking statements posted on the website.
The risks/factors that may affect the actual business
performance etc. include, but are not limited to, the economic
situation of each country, the trend of capital expenditure at
our clients, the trend of the market demands, the progress of
product development, competition with other companies and
foreign exchange fluctuations.
This website is not intended
to solicit investments. Please keep in mind that you must make
your own investment decisions.
Please be aware that the Zuken Group is not responsible for any damage caused by errors in information or downloading of data posted on the website, etc.