・Efforts to Reduce CO2 Emissions
We have taken steps to reduce CO2 emissions, such as introducing a system for remote working, switching to LED lighting for company buildings, and using HEVs for company-owned vehicles, thereby reducing CO2 emissions by 29.4% compared to FY2013. Going forward, we will continue to monitor changes in CO2 emissions over time and promote energy conservation measures so as to ensure that the burden our business activities place on the environment do not increase.

・Remote Working System
In preparation against potential climate-change driven natural disasters such as heavy rains and tornadoes, we have introduced a remote working system to help protect the lives and ensure the safety of our employees, and also to ensure the continuity of our business. We have created an environment that allows our employees to work both from the office and from their home office depending on the situation.
・Promotion of Women’s Empowerment
We believe that the existence of diverse perspectives and values leads to corporate growth, and we assign the right personnel to the right positions regardless of gender or nationality. And based on the concept of the right person for the right job, we actively promote the hiring of women and their promotion to manager-level position*.
We have set a target for 2026 of 25% for the female recruitment ratio, and are promoting efforts to achieve this target.
*We define ” manager-level position ” as managers and above who play a central role in their respective workplaces and operations.
The average percentage of women hired over the last three years (from Apr. 2020 to Mar. 2023) : 19.2%
Percentage of women among all manager-level positions (as of Apr. 2023) : 2.9%
To support a balance between work and childcare, we have introduced various systems for employees to take leave and a system for shorter working hours. For example, the shortener working hour system is applicable for employees with children up to the end of the third grade of elementary school, which is longer than the legally stipulated period. In addition, we actively utilize remote work to create a comfortable working environment for women.
・Development of Next-Generation Leaders
Based on the belief that raising the base level of employee technical skill is necessary for strengthening our organization, we conduct personality-building training for employees marked out as potential next-generation leaders. We also provide management training and compliance training for newly appointed managers.
・Development of Global Human Resources
We conduct English language training to develop human resources who will be able to take charge of global business operations. We also encourage employees to improve their English skills by themselves, and have introduced a reward system for employees who acquire English language qualifications.
・Development of Digital Human Resources
To re-skill employees, we conduct IT and digital training utilizing external training programs. We also encourage employees to improve their IT skills by themselves, and have introduced a reward system for employees who acquire IT qualifications. In the future, we plan to support the participation of new employees in the Embedded Technology Software Design Robot Contest, and we are developing digital human resources with a wide range of skills.
・Next Generation Project, Support for Engineers
Our aim is to contribute to the development of the manufacturing environment, and in service of this, we will actively support the next generation of manufacturing and the educational development of manufacturing human resources in order to foster a manufacturing culture that aims for a good and prosperous society through technology and innovation.
Governance (Corporate Governance)
The Company’s basic approach to corporate governance is to respond quickly and flexibly to this rapidly changing business environment and to carry out business activities that are legal, appropriate, and sound. In addition, our company will promote the establishment of a corporate governance system tailored to the current scale and nature of our business centered on the Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors, and the Board of Corporate Auditors.

Sustainability Management Vision
Sustainability Management Vision

Next Generation Project,
Support for Engineers
Next Generation Project, Support for Engineers