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Sustainability Management Vision
Sustainability Management Vision

ESG Initiatives
ESG Initiatives

Next Generation Project, Support for
Next Generation Project,
Support for Engineers
Sustainability Management Vision
Our Value
Zuken steps forward, smoothly linking conceptual design to detailed design


Identifying Materiality
We have anticipated the impact that long-term megatrends in the macro-economy will have on our group’s business and defined business challenges based on various ESG evaluation criteria along with the requests and expectations of our stakeholders. We then evaluated the “importance to Zuken” and its “importance to our stakeholders” in terms of risks and opportunities for each of the challenges and identified the following three materialities:
- Contribution to sustainable manufacturing through engineering IT
We will strengthen our investment in development of solutions that make product development smarter (intelligent) and more efficient, and contribute to solving issues surrounding manufacturing, such as technology transfer, human resource shortages, and reduction of environmental impact. We will also utilize our engineering IT expertise to expand services that support the development and reskilling of digital human resources within our customer companies.
- Reinforcing human capital
In order to reinforce human capital —a source of strength in our software business—we will create a work environment where diverse teams can work to their full potential and each member can develop their career over the long term. From this aspect, and considering our present employees diversity situation, we are determined to focus on increasing the number of women in the workplace as priority. We are also improving our human resources management to assure we can maximize the abilities and potential of each individual employee.
- Establishing agile and sound governance
We will respond with speed and flexibility to a business environment undergoing a great many changes and strengthen our management structure to ensure that we can carry out business activities that are legal, appropriate, and sound.
Promotion Structure
With regard to sustainability initiatives, a project team has been established under the leadership of Soma Yoshikazu, Representative Director and Executive Vice President with members from the General Affairs, Human Resources, and Corporate Communications Divisions. This project team is working to promote each of the various measures. They will be reporting on their progress to the Board of Directors, which supervises and approves the activity policy and status of the initiatives.

>Sustainability Management Vision >ESG Initiatives >Next Generation Project, Support for Engineers